
2019/6/23 TOEIC勉強と英語仕事の準備◯

I will use English at work this week. I am getting nervous. But I will do my best. Anyway, this week becomes a historical week for me. 今週から仕事で英語を使う。神経質になってきている。しかしベストを尽くそう。とにかく今週は自分にとって歴史的…

2019/6/16 TOEIC勉強と英語仕事の準備◯

My preparation for the English job is in the final stage. I asked my English teacher to check my English manuscript yesterday. It seems almost OK. And I should have the confidence to use English at work. 英語の仕事の準備は大詰めである。昨…

2019/6/9 TOEIC勉強と英語仕事の準備◯

The day when I use English at work will come soon. I am nervous a little bit recently because I am unsure whether I can do it or not. If the manuscript is almost completed, I will have to train my listening and speaking skills until the jo…

2019/6/2 TOEIC勉強と英語仕事の準備◯◯

I will start to work with English this month. But I cannot feel the improvement of my English recently especially my listening skill. Anyway, what I can do it to do my best. English is really very difficult. I have no confidence to listen …