
2018/11/26 TOEIC勉強◯○

I took a practice test last Friday. It was the fourth time since this GW. Listening section's correct answers was 74. Reading section's was 64. The sum of them was 138. Total and Listening was the highest ever. But reading section was decr…

TOEIC結果と2018/11/24 TOEIC勉強◯

I found the newest TOEIC L&R score through the web site. The score was 675. It improved 30 points in comprarison with the previoius score.The listening score was 370. 45 points improved. But the reading score was 305. 15 points worsen. Thi…

2018/11/18 TOEIC勉強②◯◯

He wants to come back to Tokyo as a Tokyo's division leader. But he is selfish. I and one of my colleages hate him. In the meanwhile of the discussion, he said that discussing with Tokyo's members meant he would come back. 彼は東京の課長と…

2018/11/18 TOEIC勉強①◯○

Last Wednesday, I took part in the meeting at my company and discuss our task with my colleages and one division leader who works at Kobe office now. Originally, the division leader had lived in Tokyo. He has his house in Tokyo. 先週の金曜…

2018/11/11 TOEIC勉強◯◯

I will start to work with English next June. This week, I recieved manuscripts in English. This is a big challenge for me. 英語を使った仕事が来年の6月から始める。今週、英語の原稿を受け取った。 これは私にとって大きな挑戦だ。 I feel sluggish…

2018/11/3 TOEIC勉強①◯○

Recenty, I feel cold rather than cool. When I took TOEIC L&R last Sunday, several people coughed in the meanwhile of the test. And one man behind me sighed many times at that time. 最近、涼しいというより寒い。先週の日曜日にTOEIC L&Rを受け…