
2019/5/26 TOEIC勉強と英語仕事の準備◯◯

I will start to work with English next month. The preparation does not advance than my expectation. I must concentrate on it. And my English skill must be improved through the praparation and job. Although it is sometimes tired, it must be…

2019/5/16 TOEIC勉強と英語仕事の準備◯◯

I am on a business trip. I am staying at the hotel. I will go back to my home tomorrow. I couldn't try the internet English conversation at the hotel because the internet connection is maybe heavy. 今、出張中である。ホテルにいる。明日、自…

2019/5/5 TOEIC勉強と英語仕事の準備◯◯

The long holiday will finish soon. I am studying English, but my preparation for my English job is not enough. I need to do more in remaining two day holidays. 長い休暇はもうすぐ終わる。英語の勉強はしているが、英語の仕事の準備が不十分だ。…

2019/5/2 TOEIC勉強と英語仕事の準備◯◯

One year has passed since I started the blog. And the new era started. I will study English continuously. And I need to prepare for my English job in June. このブログがスタートして一年が経過した。そして新しい時代が始まった。私は引き続き英語の勉…