
12/9LRの結果と2018/12/30 TOEIC勉強○◯

The result of TOEIC L&R on 12/9 opened to the public Last Friday. My score was 720. I was depressed because I had expected more than 730. But 45 points was improved from the previous test. Listening section's score was 395! I had never got…

2018/12/25 TOEIC勉強②◯◯

I have to talk in English more. Now, I'm seaching the site where I can talk through internet with the new PC. 私はもって英語ではなさないといけない。今、新しいパソコンを使って、インターネットで話せる場所を探している。 barrack (名)兵舎 粗末…

2018/12/25 TOEIC勉強①◯◯

Almost eight months have passed since I started to write this blog. My TOEIC L&R score is recovering to my record level. And I will go to the next stage. I bought new PC. the PC is tablet PC. At first, I was confused about the way to use. …

TOEIC勉強 2018/12/16②◯◯

I go to English Room once a month. Last month, my instructor quited suddenly. The instructor imformed me of his next room in order to talk continuously. And I hoped so. But the next room's costs so high. I can't pay for the fee. And I have…

TOEIC L&R 12/9感想 TOEIC勉強 2018/12/16①◯◯

Last Sunday, I took TOEIC L&R test. I don't know the result yet. But I felt I could answer well. About the listening section, I answered well until PART3. It was difficult to do PART4. About the reading section, this time's target is to an…

2018/12/8 TOEIC勉強④◯◯

Furthermore, I will buy new iphone. But I cannot determine to buy iphone XS or XR. さらに新しいiPhoneを買おうとしている。しかしXSにしようかXRに決められない。 despite the last-minute request 間際の依頼に関わらず misappropriate (他動)着服す…

2018/12/8 TOEIC勉強③◯◯

I am considering about my plan next year. I will be eager to study English more. And my note PC was broken when I worked in Fukui prefecture last month. I am also considering whether I will buy new note PC or not. 私は来年の予定について考…

2018/12/8 TOEIC勉強②◯◯

Last TOEIC L&R test, My listening score was improved. And the last practice test, the listening score was also improved. Certainly, I feel my improvement of listening when I Iisten to news through internet. Since I made up my mind to study…

2018/12/8 TOEIC勉強①◯◯

I will take a TOEIC L&R test tomorrow. This time is the third time in this year. I will prepare for tomorrow's test all day. What I will try this time is to consentrate until the end of test. I must try to solve abround 90 questions of the…

2018/11/26 TOEIC勉強◯○

I took a practice test last Friday. It was the fourth time since this GW. Listening section's correct answers was 74. Reading section's was 64. The sum of them was 138. Total and Listening was the highest ever. But reading section was decr…

TOEIC結果と2018/11/24 TOEIC勉強◯

I found the newest TOEIC L&R score through the web site. The score was 675. It improved 30 points in comprarison with the previoius score.The listening score was 370. 45 points improved. But the reading score was 305. 15 points worsen. Thi…

2018/11/18 TOEIC勉強②◯◯

He wants to come back to Tokyo as a Tokyo's division leader. But he is selfish. I and one of my colleages hate him. In the meanwhile of the discussion, he said that discussing with Tokyo's members meant he would come back. 彼は東京の課長と…

2018/11/18 TOEIC勉強①◯○

Last Wednesday, I took part in the meeting at my company and discuss our task with my colleages and one division leader who works at Kobe office now. Originally, the division leader had lived in Tokyo. He has his house in Tokyo. 先週の金曜…

2018/11/11 TOEIC勉強◯◯

I will start to work with English next June. This week, I recieved manuscripts in English. This is a big challenge for me. 英語を使った仕事が来年の6月から始める。今週、英語の原稿を受け取った。 これは私にとって大きな挑戦だ。 I feel sluggish…

2018/11/3 TOEIC勉強①◯○

Recenty, I feel cold rather than cool. When I took TOEIC L&R last Sunday, several people coughed in the meanwhile of the test. And one man behind me sighed many times at that time. 最近、涼しいというより寒い。先週の日曜日にTOEIC L&Rを受け…

2018/10/27 TOEIC勉強⑤◯○

Let's try practice test again. 練習問題をもう一度挑戦しよう。 laggard (可算名)のろま(形)のろまの heinous héɪnəs (形)憎むべき 極悪な trail 登山道 palisades 断崖 trailhead 登山口 ranger 森林警備隊、公園監視員 pavilion 休憩所 along the way 道…

2018/10/27 TOEIC勉強④◯○

I will finish inputing soon. 入力がもうすぐ終わる。 represent ~を代表する tracking system 追跡システム expedite ~を早める ground level 1階 discard ~を廃棄する either way どちらにしても upon receipt 受け取る際に fulfill ~を実現させる blue r…

2018/10/27 TOEIC勉強③◯○

I want to input words and idioms until noon. After that, I want to practice to solve questions. 昼までに単語とイディオムの入力を終えたい。その後に練習問題を解きたい。 admission 入場(料) outfitter 旅行運動用品・衣類を扱う店 land 着陸する ap…

2018/10/27 TOEIC勉強②◯○

I am preparing for TOEIC now and will do more. 今、TOEICの準備をしている、そしてさらにする。 headline (可算名)見出し(他動)を見出しをつける concur 同意する be equipped for A Aの装備がある surpass A Aを上回る appropriately 適切に owing to A …

2018/10/27 TOEIC勉強①◯○

Today is the last day I can prepare for tomorrow's TOEIC L&R. Several things happened including bad things. Anyway, I want to consentrate on TOEIC today. 今日は明日のTOEICの準備ができる最後の日だ。悪いことも含めて、いろんなことが起きるが、…

2018/10/26 TOEIC勉強⑤◯◯

When I worked today, I asked Mr.A about some specifications. He belongs in a different division from me. He knows about it well. But, he couldn't answer one of them soon and inquired a designer. At that time, Mr.T who is A's subordinate ac…

2018/10/26 TOEIC勉強④◯◯

Time is not so enough. But I will prepare for TOEIC as long as I can. 時間は十分にない。しかし出来る限り、TOEICの準備をしよう。 rancher (可算名)牧場主 牧場労働者 follow up with A 続けてAを行う you might want to do あなたは~したほうが良い r…

2018/10/26 TOEIC勉強③◯◯

It is difficlut to review about all I studied. Because, there are so many things. 勉強したことを全て復習するのは難しい。すごく沢山あるからだ。 review 復習 preparation 予習 dress code 服装規定 A suits B well. AはBに良く似合う the same amoun…

2018/10/26 TOEIC勉強②◯◯

I put out a last spurt in order to get a good score of next TOEIC test. 次のTOEICで高得点を取る為、追い込みをかける put out a last spurt 追い込みをかける every A Aごと every hour 1時間ごと down the street 通りに沿って行った所に block (道な…

2018/10/26 TOEIC勉強①◯◯

I will take TOEIC L&R next Sunday. I can study two more days. I want to do my best. 次の日曜日にTOEIC L&Rを受ける。あと二日間勉強できる。ベストを尽くしたい。 probe (他動)を探る 調べる(自動)真相を突き止める be gathered 集まる gather A Aを集…

2018/10/21 TOEIC勉強◯◯

I will take TOEIC L&R test next Sunday. This is second time in this year. This time's target score is 730. But, it is maybe impossible. 次の日曜日にTOEIC L&Rを受検する。今回は今年の二回目である。今回の目標点は730点だが、たぶん無理である。 …

2018/10/13 TOEIC勉強③◯

I have no idea in order to improve my listening skill. Nowadays, I listen to English from news sites every morning. Maybe, I have to consentrate more. リスニングスキルを伸ばす具体的なアイデアがない。最近は毎朝、英語ニュースを聴いている。多…

2018/10/13 TOEIC勉強②◯

I tried a TOEIC practice test. This was third time for me. The score was that listening section was 68/100 and reading section 66/100. reading section was highest. But listening section was not improved. TOEICの模擬試験に挑戦した。これが3…

2018/10/13 TOEIC勉強①◯

Recently, I also study during lunch time for about thirty minutes. I want to improve listening skill more. 最近、昼休憩中の約30分も勉強している。私はリスニングスキルをもっと向上させたい。 pound (名)ポンド(英貨) 重量の単位(他動)こなごなに砕…

2018/10/8 TOEIC勉強③◯

I need to try listening repeatedly and I also have to memorize many idioms. 繰り返しリスニングに挑戦する必要がある、また多くの熟語を覚える必要がある。 tumble (自他動)倒れる、倒す(名)堕落 転倒 digit (可算名)指 指幅 個々のアラビア数字 underm…