
2020/4/28 英検準1級とTOEICの勉強

Different people have different ideas about whether I should take a TOEIC or an Eiken test on June 28th. I believe that I should take the TOEIC test for those two reasons. First, I need to get more than 800 of the score further and foremos…

2020/4/19 英検準1級の勉強

Different people have different ideas whether all people should stop working or not now. I believe that all people should stop working at least until May 6th for those two reasons. First, the Japanese government required us that percentage…

2020/4/7 英検準1級の勉強◯

Different people have different ideas whether the emergency of the coronavirus can stop the spreading of the virus until May 6th or not. I believe that the emergency can stop the spreading, but it cannot stop until May 6th. First, I think …