2021/5/16 TOEIC L&R 久しぶりの自己ベスト更新

 I am updating the page since February. And I took the TOEIC test last month. I had expected that I could get a score of more than 800 after taking the test. And I confirmed the result last Tuesday. The result was 785. I was disappointed at first because the score was lower than my expectation. But it is my best score. I thought I should be satisfied with it. 10 points were improved from my previous best score since October 2019. The score of the reading section was 405. And the score of the listening section was 380. My trial continues until I get more than 800.


coup (加算名)不意の一撃 大当たり/kúː/

Bowed  (名自他動)弓 弓で引く

put on hold 保留にする

sprout  (他自動名)発芽する sprάʊt

craftsmanship (不加算名)技能 職人技

cabinetmaker  (加算名)家具職人

carver  (加算名)彫刻家 肉を切り分ける人

city walls   市壁

workshop  (加算名)作業場 講習会

conscious people  理性的な人々