
2018/10/6 TOEIC勉強④◯

The most impotant task about English for me is to catch fast English speaking. How do I have to do? 私にとって英語のもっとも重要な課題は早い英語を聴きとることだ。どうしたら良いのだろう? at present 現在、今は tainted téɪntɪd 汚染する、腐敗…

2018/10/6 TOEIC勉強③◯

My blog's articles exceeded 100 times. And I found my English total proficiency at present. I will work with English next June. This is my first challenge. I will keep going for next June. And I continue to write this blog. 私のブログの記…

2018/10/6 TOEIC勉強②◯

It is very difficult for me to catch English from practice book I am trying now. As long as I cannot understand such so fast English, my score of TOEIC L&R will not become high. 今、挑戦している練習問題の英語をキャッチするのはとても難しい…

9/16 TOEIC S&Wの結果と2018/10/6 TOEIC勉強①◯

I saw my result of previous TOEIC S&W. The score was so-so as my frist trial. Speaking was 110 and writing was 130. 前回のTOEIC S&Wの結果を見た。はじめての挑戦としては点数はまあまあだった。スピーキングが110点でライティングが130点だった。 s…