
2018/10/13 TOEIC勉強③◯

I have no idea in order to improve my listening skill. Nowadays, I listen to English from news sites every morning. Maybe, I have to consentrate more. リスニングスキルを伸ばす具体的なアイデアがない。最近は毎朝、英語ニュースを聴いている。多…

2018/10/13 TOEIC勉強②◯

I tried a TOEIC practice test. This was third time for me. The score was that listening section was 68/100 and reading section 66/100. reading section was highest. But listening section was not improved. TOEICの模擬試験に挑戦した。これが3…

2018/10/13 TOEIC勉強①◯

Recently, I also study during lunch time for about thirty minutes. I want to improve listening skill more. 最近、昼休憩中の約30分も勉強している。私はリスニングスキルをもっと向上させたい。 pound (名)ポンド(英貨) 重量の単位(他動)こなごなに砕…