
2018/10/26 TOEIC勉強⑤◯◯

When I worked today, I asked Mr.A about some specifications. He belongs in a different division from me. He knows about it well. But, he couldn't answer one of them soon and inquired a designer. At that time, Mr.T who is A's subordinate ac…

2018/10/26 TOEIC勉強④◯◯

Time is not so enough. But I will prepare for TOEIC as long as I can. 時間は十分にない。しかし出来る限り、TOEICの準備をしよう。 rancher (可算名)牧場主 牧場労働者 follow up with A 続けてAを行う you might want to do あなたは~したほうが良い r…

2018/10/26 TOEIC勉強③◯◯

It is difficlut to review about all I studied. Because, there are so many things. 勉強したことを全て復習するのは難しい。すごく沢山あるからだ。 review 復習 preparation 予習 dress code 服装規定 A suits B well. AはBに良く似合う the same amoun…

2018/10/26 TOEIC勉強②◯◯

I put out a last spurt in order to get a good score of next TOEIC test. 次のTOEICで高得点を取る為、追い込みをかける put out a last spurt 追い込みをかける every A Aごと every hour 1時間ごと down the street 通りに沿って行った所に block (道な…

2018/10/26 TOEIC勉強①◯◯

I will take TOEIC L&R next Sunday. I can study two more days. I want to do my best. 次の日曜日にTOEIC L&Rを受ける。あと二日間勉強できる。ベストを尽くしたい。 probe (他動)を探る 調べる(自動)真相を突き止める be gathered 集まる gather A Aを集…