
2018/12/8 TOEIC勉強④◯◯

Furthermore, I will buy new iphone. But I cannot determine to buy iphone XS or XR. さらに新しいiPhoneを買おうとしている。しかしXSにしようかXRに決められない。 despite the last-minute request 間際の依頼に関わらず misappropriate (他動)着服す…

2018/12/8 TOEIC勉強③◯◯

I am considering about my plan next year. I will be eager to study English more. And my note PC was broken when I worked in Fukui prefecture last month. I am also considering whether I will buy new note PC or not. 私は来年の予定について考…

2018/12/8 TOEIC勉強②◯◯

Last TOEIC L&R test, My listening score was improved. And the last practice test, the listening score was also improved. Certainly, I feel my improvement of listening when I Iisten to news through internet. Since I made up my mind to study…

2018/12/8 TOEIC勉強①◯◯

I will take a TOEIC L&R test tomorrow. This time is the third time in this year. I will prepare for tomorrow's test all day. What I will try this time is to consentrate until the end of test. I must try to solve abround 90 questions of the…