2019/5/16 TOEIC勉強と英語仕事の準備◯◯

I am on a business trip. I am staying at the hotel. I will go back to my home tomorrow. I couldn't try the internet English conversation at the hotel because the internet connection is maybe heavy. 



be on a business trip    出張中である

pick up          (他動+副)拾う 乗せる

pick      (他動)選ぶ selected growp's value=main growp's value

highlight    (他動)強調する selected growp's value>main growp's value

foremost     (形副)いちばん先の(に) 真っ先の(に)

first and foremost      真っ先の いの一番に

ordinarily          (副)通常 たいてい(は)

ordinary           (形)普通の 通常の 並みの

a half            二分の一

half a day          半日

one and a half hours      1時間半