2019/7/7 初の英語仕事とTOEIC勉強◯◯

I used English at work for the first time last month. I don't know whether it was good or not. But, anyway, I did it. The customers came from Asia countries including India, and Germany and Italy. It seems like this time's job was succeeded because the customer already offers me the next English job. And, above all, the recognition of me from my colleagues was dramatically changed. This is the start of my counterattack.



succeed (自動)成功する(in A)うまくいく(with A)相続する(to A)(他動)後に続く

colleague  (可算名)(職業上の)同僚

counterattack   (可算名)逆襲、反撃 (他動)に逆襲する(自動) 逆襲する

explosive    (形)爆発の 爆発的な(可算名)爆発物

hazardous  (形)危険な 際どい

intrusion   (名)侵入 立ち入り

on the other hand     その一方で

aftershock    (可算名)余震 余波

census     (可算名)人口調査 国勢調査

rain                 (名)雨(自他動)