2020/6/20 英検準1級とTOEICの勉強

 Different people have different ideas about whether people should invest money in stock markets now or not. I believe that people should invest now for those two reasons.
 First, the investment would be dangerous, but the value of stocks had already fallen after the pandemic of the novel coronavirus. I think it is time to invest, and I expect to get a big capital gain.
 Second, some industries will grow because of the pandemic. the value of the industries will be increased rapidly. Investment in the stock of the industries will bring us much money. It is important for us to know which industries will grow or not.
 In conclusion for those two reasons, the value of stocks had decreased and the growth of some industries. I believe that now is good timing to invest in stocks. The pandemic will be changing the world.


inconclusive  (形)決定的ではない

saturation   (不可算名)浸透 集中攻撃

enzyme  énzɑɪm   (可算名)酵素 (複)enzymes  

wanderer    (可算名)放浪者

predatory  prédət`ɔːri  (形)捕食性の 人を食いものにする

hangover   (可算名)二日酔い 残存物

inmate    (可算名)収容者 同居人

mandate   (可算名)権限 命令 (他動)権限を与える 

drizzle  drízl  (不可算名)霧雨 (他動)霧雨がふる

minced goat     ミンチにされたヤギ 

mince           (他動)ひき肉にする (不可算名)ひき肉