2019/9/29 TOEIC勉強◯

I had not updated my blog for about three weeks. I was busy to work and went on a business trip during the three weeks. Anyway, I did them very well and I will concentrate on LR next month. The target is 730. But I must get accustomed to the test again. Six months already have passed since I took the test last time.



in ascending order      昇順で(値の小さい順)

ascending         (形)のぼっていく 上昇的な

ascend       (自動)(物価が)上がる(他動)を登る ⇔descend

arbitrary       άːbɪtrəri(形)任意の 独断的な

Other than above items     上記以外

refer to the following       下記のとおり

relevant        (形)適切な 妥当な 関連のある 関連して(to)

the following            以下

fetch         (他動)取ってくる 呼んでくる(自動)行ってものを取ってくる

caption         (可算名)表題 説明文 字幕(他動)字幕、説明をつける